Index for words including 努


Strive, Try, Exert, Make An Effort

Word Links for words containing 努 (sorted via character pairs)

努 nuˇ
Strive, Try, Exert, Make An Effort

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


努阿 Vanuatu


努克 Chinook


努力 Hard work, Work hard, Try, Strive, Struggle, Endeavour, Try

努力 I strive to, I am striving to, I strived to

努力 Try, Tries, trying, Tried

努力 No effort, No effort expended

努力工作 Work hard at job

努力的程度 Degree of effort, Amount of effort

努力不予理會 Try to ignore, Tried to ignore, Tried to ignore it

努力再試一次 Try again, Strive to try again

努力練習跑步 Take running practice seriously, Works hard at running practice

那就努力跟上 Well, try and keep up

努力忍住不眨眼 Tried not to blink, Made an effort to not blink

努力集中意志力 I strive to concentrate all of my willpower, I strived to concentrated all of my willpower, I strive to focus all of my willpower, I strived to focus all of my willpower

團隊的努力功不可沒 Team's hard work has been indispensable

努力讓火花燃燒成火焰 Trying to build the spark into a flame, Tried to build the spark into a flame

努力工作的表情很認真 Your facial expression is very serious when you work

努力捕捉 Attempted to catch, Tried to catch, Endeavored to catch

用他們的手臂努力捕捉 Tried to catch in their arms

努力心不在焉 Tried not to pay attention

非常努力心不在焉 Tried hard not to pay attention

努力集中注意力 He's trying to focus, He tried to focus

努力集中注意力 She's trying to focus, She tried to focus

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