Index for words including 朋



Word Links for words containing 朋 (sorted via character pairs)

朋 pengˊ

Words containing

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朋好 Friends and family


朋引 Friends and companions


朋馳轎車 Mercedez-Benz


朋友 Friend(s)

朋友 Make friends (to make friends), Make a friend

朋友 Make friends, Become friends

朋友 Girlfriend

朋友 Good friends, Very good friends

朋友 Child, children

朋友 Boyfriend

朋友 As a friend

朋友 Waiting for a friend

朋友 Old friend, Old friends

他的朋友 His friend, His friends

做好朋友 Become good friends

最好的朋友 Best friend

親愛的朋友 Dear friend, Beloved friend

出門去看朋友 Went out to see friends, Went out to go and see friends

去找你的朋友 Find your friends, Go to your friends

把你視為朋友 Treat you as a friend, Regard you as a friend

由幾個小朋友 By several children, By a few kids

跟她做了朋友 Became friends with her

把某人當作朋友 Treat someone as a friend

這邊都是你的朋友 We're all your friends here, You are among friends

朋友 Friends

朋友 Went to a friend's house

朋友家玩 Went to a friend's house to hang out, Went to a friend's house to play

當作朋友對待 Treat as a friend

由幾個小朋友相伴 Accompanied by several children, Along with several children

和好朋友一起出去玩 With friends go to play together

他早就和童年的朋友疏遠了 Had long ago drifted apart form his childhood friends

她早就和童年的朋友疏遠了 Had long ago drifted apart form her childhood friends

他跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life

她跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life

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