Index for words including 津


Ferry, Ford, Juicy, Tasty, Saliva, Perspire, Sweat

Word Links for words containing 津 (sorted via character pairs)

津 jin¯
Ferry, Ford, Juicy, Tasty, Saliva, Perspire, Sweat

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


津巴布韋 Zimbabwe


津貼 Allowance, Subsidy


津樂 Relish, Relishes, Relished, Talk about, Talks about, Talked about

最為人津津樂 Most talked about

最為人津津樂道的一場仗 The most talked about battle, Most talked about battles

那是整個戰爭裡最為人津津樂道的一場仗 It was the most talked about battle of the whole war


津津有味 With relish

津津樂道 Relish, Relishes, Relished, Talk about, Talks about, Talked about

最為人津津樂道 Most talked about

最為人津津樂道的一場仗 The most talked about battle, Most talked about battles

那是整個戰爭裡最為人津津樂道的一場仗 It was the most talked about battle of the whole war


津有 With relish


牛津 Oxford

曾經參加牛津划船隊 Used to row with the Oxford rowing team

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