Index for words including 知


Know, Perceive, Realize, Comprehend, Be Aware

Word Links for words containing 知 (sorted via character pairs)

知 zhi¯
Know, Perceive, Realize, Comprehend, Be Aware

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


知單 Notice of invitation


知足 Contentment, To be content


知己 Confidant


知覺 Conscious

失去知覺 Unconscious


知名 Famous, Well known

一位知名 A famous

一家知名 A well known, A famous

遠近知名 Famous, Well know (known far and wide)

知名 Popularity


知識 Knowledge, Information, Intellect, Intellectual

知識 Cool knowledge

增長知識 Increase knowledge

補充知識 Supplemental knowledge

你剛學過的知識 What you have just learned

知識分子 Intellectuals, Scholars, Free thinking and independent

知識快遞 Knowledge express

知識系統 Intellectual system


知道 Know, Knows, Knew, Known

知道 He knows, He knew

知道 You know, Do you know, You understand

知道 Only knew

知道 I don't know

知道 She knows, She knew

知道 Want to know, Wanted to know

知道 I know, I knew

知道 Just find out, Just learn (about)

知道 Who knows, You never know

不想知道 Doesn't want to know

不會知道 Didn't know

他只知道 He only knew

你想知道 You want to know

光是知道 Just knowing

切身知道 Known to oneself

她只知道 She only knew

妳想知道 You want to know

我就知道 Now I know

我想知道 I want to know

我才知道 I now know

我要知道 I need to know

早就知道 Already suspected or knew

無法知道 Didn't know

讓她知道 Let her know

一看就知道 Know at a glance

你就會知道 You will then know, You will then understand

你怎麼知道 How is it you know, How do you know

你早就知道 You know, You knew, You already know

大家都知道 Everybody knows, Everybody knew, Apparently, Obviously

妳早就知道 You know, You knew, You already know

我的確知道 I sure knew, I certainly knew

我至少知道 At least I know

沒有人知道 No one knows, Nobody knows

立刻就知道 Know right away

第一次知道 Knew for the first time

不會有人知道 No one knew, No one had any idea

你怎麼會知道 How did you know that?, How did you know?

我剛剛才知道 I just found out

才第一次知道 For the first time knew, Knew for the first time

村裡沒人知道 No one in the village knew

永達無法知道 Never knew

超過他想知道 More than he wanted to know

猜如果他們知道 Guess if they knew

至少他們會知道 At least they would know

這些妳也都知道 You know all of this, You knew all of this anyway

我只是自以為知道 I assumed that I knew, I only thought I knew

用不著多想也知道 Don't think at all, Don't think for a minute

當然不會有人知道 Of course now one had any idea, Of course nobody had any idea

他們有沒有可能知道 Did they possibly know, Is it possible they (know, Knew)

希望自己當初就知道 Wishing they'd known at the beginning, Wished they'd known

那時他才第一次知道 And then he knew for the first time

幾乎打從一開始就知道 Had known from almost the very beginning

知道 Know, Knows, Knowing, Knew, Understand, Understands, Understood, Now know, Now knows, Now knew, Now understand, Now understands, Now understood

知道 Know, Familiar with

知道 He knows

知道 She knows

不過誰知道 But who knows?, But perhaps there is a chance

我從我自己的經驗就知道 I know from my own experience

知道如果 Knew that if

知道怎麼 Know how, Know how to

知道她會 I know she will, I know she can

會想知道是否 Would wonder whether or not

知道排除髒物 Know how to get rid of dirt, Know how to eject dirt, Knew how to remove dirt

知道我的本事 He knows my ability, He knows what I am

知道我的意思 You know what I mean.

知道妳能應付 I know you can handle it, I knew you could handle it

知道要去哪兒吧 Know where to go?, Know where we are going?

也會知道奧秘所在喔 Will also understand this mystery, Will also know where the mystery lies

知道它該去的明確位置 Knew exactly where it should go, Knew exactly where it was supposed to go

好讓所有人知道你是武裝的 So that everyone knows that you are packing

你想知道我是不是聽說了什麼特別有料的謠言 You want to know if I've heard any especially juicy rumors, You want to know if I've heard any particularly helpful rumors

知道了多少 How much does he know?

知道了多少 How much does she know?

知道兩種管教 Knew two kinds of discipline

小時候知道兩種管教 Knew two kinds of discipline as a child

不會想知道的事 Wouldn't want to know about

只有他知道的事 Only things he knew, Only things he could know

只有她知道的事 Only things she knew, Only things she could know

我只知道這麼多 I know that much, I only know that much, I only know so much

知道我該怎麼做 I knew what I needed to do

知道我在講什麼嗎 Are you getting all of this?, Do you understand what I am saying?

儘管你知道了那麼多 Despite all that you knew, In spite of all that you knew

我可以知道為什麼嗎 Can I know why, Can you tell me why

知道我到底發生了什麼事 Know what happened to me in the end

知道事情不對了 Knew something was wrong

知道事情不對勁 Should have known something was wrong

知道他們的來臨 Know they are coming, Knew they were coming

你早就知道我們是為什麼來的 You already know why we are here

妳早就知道我們是為什麼來的 You already know why we are here

知道是什麼了嗎 Does he know what it is?, Does he know what it was?

知道是什麼了嗎 Does she know what it is?, Does she know what it was?

你早就知道我會來 You knew I would come

妳早就知道我會來 You knew I would come

切身知道的一些事 Things well know to oneself

在暗示切身知道的一些事 Allude to things known to oneself, Alluding to things known to oneself

要是讓他知道真相 If he knew the truth

要是讓她知道真相 If she knew the truth

知道這輩子要做什麼 She knows what she wants to do with her life, She knew what she wanted to do with her life

他跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life

她跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life

他就會知道該怎麼回答了 He'll know how he should answer, He knew how he would have answered, He knew what he would have said

她就會知道該怎麼回答了 She'll know how to answer, She knew how she would have answered


知半 Only partially comprehend, A smattering of understanding, Partially understand


知不知道你惹到了誰 Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?

知不知道妳惹到了誰 Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?


明知 Know, Be fully aware

明知 Know, Knew, Aware of

明知 You knew, You know


眾所周知 Well known


已知 Know that, Knew, Knew how, Knew how to


所知 Know, What one knows, An acquaintance

一無所知 Know nothing, Knew nothing

就我所知 As far as I know, as far as I can tell

據我所知 As far as I know, From what I've heard

他一無所知 He knew nothing

但就他所知 But as far as he knew

她一無所知 She knew nothing

就我們所知 For all we know

一如他所知 As he had known would be the case, As he had known


先知 Seer, Seers

先知 Knowledge in advance, Know beforehand

我沒有辦法事先知 There's no way I could have known in advance


告知 Notify, Update, Tell, Leep informed

告知 Was told

告知 Told, Informed, Advised


無知 Ignorant

無知即是福 Ignorance is bliss


得知 Find out, Learn, Realize

可以得知 We know that

得知 Learn, Figure out


須知 Policy

須知 Need to know


熟知 Know, Knew, Acquainted with


認知 Cognitive, Cognition, Perception, Discernment, Learning, Understanding, Comprehension, Insight

雜燴式的認知 Hodgepodge of insights, Assortment of suppositions

認知 Recognized


感知 Perceive, Perception

感知 Perception

感知 Sentient, Sentience, Ability to perceive


深知 Deeply aware, Know, Basically thought


通知 Inform, Notify

繳費通知 Payment notice, Bill (of money owed)

重要通知 Important Notice

通知 Notification, Written notification

通知 Inform me, Get back to me, Let me know

通知 Notice

月繳費通知 Monthly utility bill, Utility bill


心知 Intelligence, The mind, Consciousness, Knowing

心知肚明 Know perfectly well, Knew perfectly well, Had known for a long time


不為人知 No one else knew about, Secret


不知 Not know, Not knowing

不知不覺 Unconsciously

根本不知 Didn't realize, Had no idea

無所不知 Omniscient, To know all, To know everything

茫然不知 At a complete loss

不知 Unaware of

不知 Did not know, Did not realize

不知 Dissatisfied, Insatiable

不知 Don't know, Doesn't know, Didn't know

不知 Do not know, Does not know, Did not know, Did not recognize

不知 She doesn't know

不知 I don't know, I didn't know

不知 Don't have a clue, Haven't got a clue

不得不知 Had to know, Have to know, Force to know

完全不知 Did not know at all, Did not know, Did not understand

從來不知 Never knew

我也不知 I don't know either

我可不知 I don't know

永遠不知 Never know

大家都不知 Nobody knew, Nobody had a clue

我們可不知 We don't know

他們難道不知 Don't they know

這點我倒不知 The point escaped me, I fully don't understand

恐怕連我都不知 I'm afraid even I don't know, I'm afraid not even I know

不知好歹 Ignorant, Ungrateful, Arrogant, Uppity, Self-important

不知該挑 Not know what choice to make, Not know what to choose

不知名東西 Something unknown

不知所措下 At a loss for what to do next

不知道這件事 I didn't know that, I didn't know about that

但是我並不知道啊 But I didn't know!

那時我不知道她是誰 At the time I didn't know who she was

不知道她是怎麼辦到的 She doesn't know how she does it

如果發生了什麼我不知道的犯罪行為 If a criminal act occurred that I was not aware of

不知怎地 Somehow

不知怎的 Somehow

不知怎麼 Somehow

這個問題不知怎的 This question somehow, Something about this question

不知怎麼了 Didn't know what to do, Didn't know what was wrong

不知道他們會說什麼呢 Don't know what they'll say

不知道該說什麼 Did not know what to say, Had nothing to say

不知道那是什麼 Don't know what it is

不知道胚胎是什麼 Did not know what a fetus was, Did not know what an embryo was

不知道能幫忙什麼 Didn't know what to do to help, Didn't know how to help

不知道那是什麼 Wouldn't know it, Wouldn't know, Wouldn't recognize, Would be unable to recognize what it was

你知不知道你惹到了誰 Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?

妳知不知道妳惹到了誰 Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?


可知 It can be seen that


不得而知 Unknown

可想而知 One can imagine


未知 Unidentified, Unknown, Unpredictable

未知 An unknown

未知 Unknown

未知 Unknown

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