Index for words including 種

zhongˇ, zhongˋ

Species, Classification, Class, Type, Grouping, Kind, Seed, Seeds, Descendants, (Zhong4), Plant, Sow, Raise, Cultivate, Farm, Vaccinate, MW For Kinds Or Sorts Or Species

Word Links for words containing 種 (sorted via character pairs)

種 zhongˇ, zhongˋ
Species, Classification, Class, Type, Grouping, Kind, Seed, Seeds, Descendants, (Zhong4), Plant, Sow, Raise, Cultivate, Farm, Vaccinate, MW For Kinds Or Sorts Or Species

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


說數種羅曼語系語文 Speak a few Romance languages


種出 Grow

還沒種出 Not yet planted

什麼都還沒種出 Nothing has been planted yet


種了 Planted

種了很多樹 Planted many trees


種子 Seed, Seeds

一把種子 A handful of seeds

播下種子 Sowing seeds

罌粟種子 Poppyseed, poppyseeds

一顆小種子 A tiny seed

這念頭的種子 The seed of this idea

罌粟種子大小 Poppyseed size, The size of poppyseeds


種種 All kinds of, All sorts of, A variety of


種稻 Grow rice, Plant rice


這是種很奇怪的 This is a very strange, This is a very strange kind of


種顏 Five colors


種族 Race, Ethnic group, Species, Racial

不同種族 Different races, Multicultural

對這些好種族 With respect to these wonderful ethnic groups

種族屠殺 Ethnic cleansing, Systematic race based murder

種族歧視 Racial descrimination

種族歧視的話 Racial insult, Racial insults


種人 Caucasian


種類 Type, Variety

種類 Same type, Same kind


種花 Plant flowers

種花 Plant peanuts


算是種恭 Flattering, Taken as a compliment


種下 Plant, Planted

上個月種下 Planted last month


種不 Different, Different kind, Different kinds

種不 Five different varieties, Five types

種不同口味 Five different tasting varieties


種地 Paddy


種植 Plant, Grow, Cultivate

種植 Planted

種植 Planted

種植蔬菜 Grow vegetables

種植面積 Planting area, Growing area

土地種植向日葵 Land for growing sunflowers

台灣只有很少數地方的氣候適合種植小麥 There are only a few places in Taiwan where the climate is suitable for growing wheat


品種 Species, Variety, Breed


哪種 What type of, What type


每平方公尺種 Plants per square meter


幾種 A few species of, Several kinds of, Different types of, Several models of

幾種 How many kinds, How many different


絕種 Extinct

絕種物種 Extinct species

現在已經絕種 Now extinct


那種 That kind of, Those kind of

那種 It's the kind of, Is the kind of, Was the kind of

那種 That kind of thing

那種名不見經傳 That kind of little known, Those kinds of little known, The kind of little known, The kind of anonymous

那種顫動的感覺 That fluttering sensation, That fluttering feeling

那種隨便流露感情的人 The type of person who casually expresses their feelings

學會讀那種完全不一樣的語言 Learn to read a whole other language

才不會犯那種錯誤 Didn't want to make the mistake of, Wasn't going to make the mistake of

她才不會犯那種錯誤 She didn't want to make the mistake of, She wasn't going to make the mistake of


多種 Multiple, Various

多種類的花 Many kinds of flowers


各種 A variety, All kinds of, Every conceivable, All manner of

各種 Different teas, A variety of teas,

各種方案 Every option, Every conceivable option, All options, A variety of options

各種會議 Various meetings, Conferences

各種點子 Various ideas, Ideas

各種東西 With various items, With various things

各種突發狀況 A variety of (all kinds of) emergency situations

各種器材與設備 Varius pieces of apparatus and equipment

模仿自然中的各種聲音 Imitate various sounds in nature

各種事情 All sorts of things

為了各種事情 For all sorts of things

自己如何做各種事情 How we do anything, How we do a variety of different things

各種原子 Various atoms, Atoms

依序平衡各種原子 Sequentially balance the various atoms

各種方法去旅 Use all kinds of methods to travel, Travel in various ways

會用各種方法去旅 Can use all kinds of methods to travel, Can travel in varies ways


物種 Species

絕種物種 Extinct species

物種 Species

保育的物種名單 Protected species list, Endangered species list


何種 What kind of, What kind

反應產生何種氣體 What kind of gas is produced by the reaction?


僅有的種 The only species


這種 This sort of, This kind of, This type of

這種 This kind of thing

這種 Type of person

這種事上 In such matters, In this sort of thing

這種廢話 Listen to this sort of nonsense

這種事就像 This is like, This sort of thing is like

這種防禦工事 These fortifications

這種照相機我會用 I can use this type of camera

付出這種代價 Pay the price, The price to pay

得付出這種代價 Have to pay the price

不是用這種方式 Not like this, Not this way

但不是用這種方式 But not like this, But not this way


人種 Race

十三個人種 Thirteen races of man, Thirteen races


火種 Tinder, Fire seed


芒種 Grain In Ear Or Seed Millet, Jun 6 to Jun 21


某種 Particular, Certain, Some sort of, Some kind of

某種 Particular kind of person

某種 A kind of egg

基於某種迷信 Superstitiously

某種冷爵士樂 Some kind of cool jazz

某種方法確定 Was somehow certain

以為這是某種比賽 Thought it was some sort of competition, Was under the impressiont that it was some sort of contest

某種方法確定無疑 Was somehow certain, Was somehow sure, Was certain without a doubt

他最多就只有某種程度的服從 At best he had a certain degree of obedience

擁有某種東西 Have something, Have a particular something

某種這些人想要的東西 A particular something that these people want

某種神奇的藥物 Some sort of wonder drug

我們需要某種神奇的藥物 We need some sort of wonder drug


一種 A kind of, A type, One kind

一種 Another kind

一種 What kind of

不只一種 More than one, Not just one

是哪一種 What kind of, Is what kind

一種技能 A skill

一種武器 A kind of weapon

一種藝術 A kind of art

一種 What kind of flower

一種誇大的 An exaggerated

一種物質都 Every substance

一種物質都是 Every substance is

用另一種眼光看待 Look at from another perspective or point of view

那是又多一種邪惡 That's one more kind of evil, That's one more evil

一種獨特的做事方式 A unique way of doing something, The only possible way of doing something

一種化合物的分子量 A certain compound's molecular weight

不管他做出哪一種體操動作 No matter what kind of gymnastic movement he did, No matter what gymnastic feat he performed

還有一種澱粉與肥豬肉混合的香腸也稱作粉腸 There is also a kind of sausage made from starch and fatty pork that is also known as rice sausage

一種誇大 A kind of exaggeration

一種誇的 In a somewhat pompous

一種混合體 A hybrid

一種化合物 A certain compound, A particular compound

一種新的感官 A new sense

開啟一種新的感官 Activate a new sense, Activating a new sense

晾乾而成的一種香腸 A kind of dried sausage, A dried sausage

一種澱粉與肥豬肉混合的香腸 A kind of sausage made with starch and fatty pork


三種 Three types

三種火藥 Three types of ammunition


兩種 Two kinds

兩種不同 Two different, Two different kinds

兩種形式 Two forms, Two variants

兩種管教 Two kinds of discipline

知道兩種管教 Knew two kinds of discipline

小時候知道兩種管教 Knew two kinds of discipline as a child


穀種 Seed corn, Seed rice


耕種 Cultivate, Till


套種 Interplanting, Mixing of crops


有種 Have a kind of

有種 All races, All species

有種族的人 People of all races

身體確實有種得到休息的感覺 Feel rested, Feels rested, Feeling rested, Felt rested


接種 Vaccinate, Receive vaccination

疫苗接種 Vaccination

接種 Vaccinated, Get vaccinated, Got vaccinated

接種疫苗 Receive vaccine

接種了對抗 Vaccinated against, Get vaccinated against

於疫苗接種之後 After vaccination


播種 Sow, Plant

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