Index for words including 符


Label, I.D., Identification, Id Tag, Match, Tally, Correspond, Symbol, Sign, Talisman, Amulet, Seal, Stamp

Word Links for words containing 符 (sorted via character pairs)

符 fuˊ
Label, I.D., Identification, Id Tag, Match, Tally, Correspond, Symbol, Sign, Talisman, Amulet, Seal, Stamp

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


符號 Symbol

文字符號 Variable, Indeterminate

標點符號 Punctuation Marks

用文字符號 Using the variable

絕對值符號 Absolute value symbol

絕對值符號 Within the absolute value symbol, Absolute symbol markers


符合 Correspond, Match, Suit, Suited, Fit, Fitted

符合空氣動力 Aerodynamic


音符 Musical notes

鋼琴音符 Piano

快速彈過的鋼琴音符 Quickly played piano notes


相符 Correspond to, Match

相符 Corresponding, Matching, Tallying

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