Index for words including 膀

bangˇ, bangˋ, pang¯, pangˊ

Shoulder, Upper Arm, Wing

Word Links for words containing 膀 (sorted via character pairs)

膀 bangˇ, bangˋ, pang¯, pangˊ
Shoulder, Upper Arm, Wing

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


臂膀 Arm, Arms


胳膀 Upper arm

胳膀 Upper arm


肩膀 Shoulder

肩膀 My shoulder

搖他肩膀 Shook his shoulder, Shake or shaking his shoulder

寬闊的肩膀 Broad shouldered

按著我肩膀 Pressing on my shoulder, Leaning on my shoulder

聳了聳肩膀 Shrugged shoulders

他的一邊肩膀 One of his shoulders, His shoulder

她的一邊肩膀 One of her shoulders, Her shoulder

壓住了他的一邊肩膀 Press his shoulder, Presses one of his shoulders, Pressing one of his shoulders, Pressed one of his shoulders

壓住了她的一邊肩膀 Press her shoulder, Presses one of her shoulders, Pressing one of her shoulders, Pressed one of her shoulders

幾個鬆弛肩膀的動作 A few exercises to relax the shoulder, A few shoulder loosening exercises


翅膀 Wings, Wing

翅膀 Pair of wings

拍拍翅膀 Flapped wings

張開了翅膀 Spread open (its) wings

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